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What are the differences between military and civilian thermal imaging cameras?
Update Time£º2020-10-20 Hits£º 5277
From the perspective of classification, night vision devices can be divided into two types: tube night vision devices (traditional night vision devices) and military infrared thermal imagers. We need to understand the difference between these two types of night vision devices.
Only military infrared thermal imaging cameras can produce high-quality images. It does not need to rely on starlight or moonlight, but uses the difference in thermal radiation of objects to image. The brightness of the screen means high temperature, and the dark means low temperature. A military infrared thermal imager with good performance can reflect a temperature difference of one-thousandth of a degree, so that through smoke, rain, snow and camouflage, it can find vehicles, people hidden in the woods and grass, and even objects buried in the ground .

One. What is a tube night vision device and an infrared thermal imaging night vision device

1. The image-enhancing tube night vision device is a traditional night vision device, which can be divided into one to four generations according to the algebra of the image-enhancing tube. Because the first generation of night vision devices cannot meet people's needs in terms of image brightness enhancement and clarity. Therefore, one generation and one generation+ night vision devices are rarely seen abroad. Therefore, if you want to achieve real use, you need to buy a second-generation and above image tube night vision device.

2. Infrared thermal imaging night vision device. Infrared thermal imaging night vision device is a branch of thermal imager. Traditional thermal imagers are more handheld than telescope types and are mainly used for traditional engineering inspection. At the end of the last century, with the development of thermal imaging technology, due to the technical advantages of thermal imaging technology over traditional night vision devices, the US military gradually began to equip infrared thermal imaging night vision devices. Infrared thermal imaging night vision device, another name is thermal imaging telescope, in fact, it can still be used well during the day, but because it can be used mainly at night to exert its effectiveness, it is called infrared thermal imaging night vision device.

    Infrared thermal imaging night vision devices have high technical requirements for production, so there are few manufacturers that can produce infrared thermal imaging night vision devices in the world.

2. The main difference between traditional second-generation + night vision and infrared thermal imaging night vision

1. In the case of total darkness, the infrared thermal imaging night vision device has obvious advantages

    Since the infrared thermal imaging night vision device is not affected by light, the observation distance of the infrared thermal imaging night vision device in total black and ordinary light is exactly the same. The second-generation and above night vision devices must use auxiliary infrared light sources in total darkness, and the distance of auxiliary infrared light sources generally can only reach 100 meters. Therefore, in a very dark environment, the observation distance of infrared thermal imaging night vision devices is much farther than traditional night vision devices.

2. In harsh environments, infrared thermal imaging night vision devices have obvious advantages. In harsh environments such as fog and rain, the observation distance of traditional night vision devices will be greatly reduced. But the infrared thermal imaging night vision device will be affected very little.

3. In an environment where the light intensity changes greatly, the infrared thermal imaging night vision device has obvious advantages

    We all know that traditional night vision devices are afraid of strong light, although many traditional night vision devices have strong light protection. But if the environmental brightness changes greatly, it will have a great impact on the observation. But the infrared thermal imaging night vision device will not be affected by light. It is for this reason that top car night vision devices, such as those on Mercedes-Benz and BMW, use thermal imaging cameras.

4. In terms of target recognition ability, traditional night vision devices have advantages over infrared thermal imaging night vision devices.

    The main purpose of the infrared thermal imaging night vision device is to find the target and identify the target category, such as the target is a person or an animal. On the other hand, the traditional night vision device, if the clarity is sufficient, can identify the person's target and clearly see the person's five senses.

3. Classification of main performance indicators of infrared thermal imaging night vision devices

1. Resolution is the most important indicator of infrared thermal imaging night vision devices, and one of the key factors affecting the cost of infrared thermal imaging night vision devices. General infrared thermal imaging night vision devices have three resolutions: 160x120, 336x256 and 640x480.

2. The resolution of the built-in screen, we observe the target through infrared thermal imaging night vision, essentially observing its internal LCD screen.

3. Binoculars or single-tubes, the tube is significantly better than the single-tube in terms of comfort and observation effect. Of course, the price of the dual-tube infrared thermal imaging night vision device will be much higher than that of the single-tube infrared thermal imaging night vision. instrument. The production technology of the binocular infrared thermal imaging night vision device will be much higher than that of the single tube.

4. Magnification. Due to technical bottlenecks, the physical magnification of infrared thermal imaging night vision devices is only within 3 times for most small factories. The current maximum production rate is 5 times.

5. External video recording device, infrared thermal imaging night vision device, well-known brands will provide external video recording device options, you can use this device to directly record to the SD card. Some can also remotely shoot through a remote control device.
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